Jason Zahn 12, Grafton, has had the 12 most consistent discus throws in Division 1 at the State Meet in the past 2 years. But it takes 1 throw to win the State Championship and last year his consistency netting him a silver medal just behind MTC's Drex Jackson. This year, Theron Baumann put Jason to the test as Drex did a year before. After tossing 3 throws in the high 160's to take the lead in trials, Jason watched Theron take his final throw in trials and pass him. What was different this year than last year's second place finish to Jackson? Jason took his throws in finals before Theron and responded with an even bigger throw to win the State Championship. Theron Baumann 12, Monona Grove finished 2nd and A.J. Natter 11, Milton completed the 1-2-3 podium sweep for Madison Throws Club. Great job boys. And Congrats Jason!
1 Jason Zahn SR Grafton 172-10 173-05 10
167-04 166-07 168-06 169-00 168-00 173-05
2 Theron Baumann SR Monona Grove 177-07 169-02 8
ND ND 169-02 ND ND ND
3 AJ Natter SO Milton 155-09 167-08 6
144-00 165-01 167-08 139-03 152-08 ND
4 Auggie Pupungatoa SR River Falls 150-06 165-02 5
ND 153-04 165-02 162-04 160-06 ND
5 Zach Stockheimer JR Mukwonago 150-09 161-10 4
155-03 ND 142-11 161-10 154-03 ND
6 Mensah Amuzu SR Homestead 157-11 161-03 3
150-05 161-03 ND 147-01 151-07 ND
7 Sam Elsner JR Portage 153-05 158-05 2
149-08 112-10 151-08 ND 158-05 154-00
8 Mack Reidy SO Kettle Moran 155-03 156-08 1
156-08 ND 150-00 146-01 ND 148-05