Madison Throws Club is dedicated to TRACK and FIELD THROWERS in Wisconsin and beyond who want to take their skills to the next level. Middle School, High School and College - beginner through advanced; MTC has been helping hundreds of throwers become their best since 2002. MTC offers summer, fall, and winter sessions, one-on-one coaching and small and large group clinics year-round in Madison, Wisconsin.
2013-2014 WINTER DATES
Check your calendars... Here are this year's winter MADISON THROWS CLUB session dates.
SATURDAY, NOV. 23 2-4pm
SATURDAY, DEC. 7 2-4pm
SATURDAY, JAN. 11 2-4pm
SATURDAY, FEB. 8 2-4pm
All session will be held at the Madison Memorial High School fieldhouse.
Sign up for all 4 sessions or ala cart.
Can't wait to get started!
Coach Frontier
Need 1-on-1 drill/technique work or weightroom training, contact me.